Get on the path to results today.

Get on the path to results today.
As a retired personal injury attorney with over 40 years experience, Sally can help you understand the claims process.
Making an insurance claim after an injury accident can be overwhelming.
Sally will consult with you about your options and your next steps to get the results you need!
Litigation referrals available.
Your papers are valuable tools for a successful settlement.
--Save copies of accident-related medical records, bills, chiropractic records/bills, receipts for co-pays, receipts for medications, receipts for accident-related purchases such as Tylenol, ice packs, Ibuprofen.
--Also save copies of work excuses from your doctor, paystubs showing the dates you took off work due to the accident.
--Keep track of receipts for bus fare or cab fare or payments to friends for your transportation to medical appointments while your car is being repaired.
-- If you cannot do your usual home maintenance tasks due to your injuries, save receipts for amounts you paid to get your lawn mowed or snow shoveled, or other repairs made.
Written documentation of accident-related treatments, expenses and wage loss can prove elements of your claim to the insurance company.
• Check for injuries.
• Administer first aid and call an ambulance if injuries are serious.
• Protect people from oncoming traffic.
• Call the police.
• Write down names, addresses, and phone numbers of witnesses.
• Exchange information with other driver(s):
Name, address, phone number, driver's license number
License plate number, auto insurance company name and policy number
• Jot down notes about the accident:
--How it happened
--Makes and models of cars involved
--Weather and road conditions
--Damages to vehicles and property
To help you make the decision whether or not you need to hire an attorney, ask for a free consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney.
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